Friday, March 11, 2011

Update of the Week

Hey all!

It's been several days since my last post, and I have some exciting news:  I'm finally going diving in Australia!  I joined a diving club on campus and will go down to Port Phillip this Sunday to dive!  I'm very excited, and with my underwater camera, this means that I can take some cool aquatic photos.  Stay tuned for that!

Otherwise, life is becoming more normal.  The second week of classes are done, and I absolutely love three of them (Graph Theory, Programming, and Musics of the World).  However the last one is Mathmatica programming and is really intense.  We'll see if I choose to stay enrolled in it, I may end up dropping it.  Hopefully everything will work out for the best!

Also on the agenda this weekend, I'm going to Phillip Island!  Well known for its seals and penguins, I've booked tickets in advanced to see some small flightless birds roam onto the beach.  Should be exciting!

That's all for now, I'll let you know how the weekend turns out!


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