Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Event

Hey Everyone,

Things have quieted down a bit since my vacation, and not much has happened in the past week.  However, on Saturday, St. Mary's hosted and event aptly named "The Event".  It was a formal cocktail dinner hosted in the Melbourne Aquarium, in the fishbowl (a gigantic fish tank with tunnels and a big atrium area).

Pretty cool place to sip Champagne and eat h'orderves
Afterward we went over the Yarra river the the Crown Casino for some clubbing and gambling.  I went to the club but didn't much feel the urge to gamble.  All in all it was a great night!  Friends, Fun, and Fish.  A special thanks to Pat Randell, our vice president who put it all together!

I'll keep you updated when more exciting things happen!


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